Les chevaliers de l'ordre [ODN]

Goonswarm Federation [CONDI]

CEOAlda RionTax rate0.10000000149012%
Alliance Goonswarm FederationHeadquarters

Alliance history

Les chevaliers de l'ordreGoonswarm Federation2011-04-30 01:202025-03-03 23:3513 years, 10 months, 1 day, 22 hours and 15 minutes
Les chevaliers de l'ordreWildly Inappropriate.2009-11-12 17:582011-04-30 01:201 year, 5 months, 17 days, 7 hours and 22 minutes
Les chevaliers de l'ordreSlightly Inappropriate.2009-09-18 18:492009-11-12 17:581 month, 24 days, 23 hours and 9 minutes
Les chevaliers de l'ordreTau Ceti Federation2008-03-25 12:432009-09-18 18:491 year, 5 months, 24 days, 6 hours and 6 minutes
Les chevaliers de l'ordreDark Matter Coalition2007-11-11 20:422008-03-25 12:434 months, 13 days, 16 hours and 1 minute
Les chevaliers de l'ordre - Corporation Nullsec
Corporation Francophone
Channel public & Recrutement :ODN's Tavern (Recrutement ouvert)
Forum : ODN Forum
Contact : Alda Rion(CEO - AU/CN TZ)
Bloubs Kel-Rod (CO-CEO - EUTZ)
poteu (QC - USTZ)



~ Updated at: 2025-03-03 23:35:36 ~

~ Next update in: 8 minutes ~

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